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Sunday, May 27, 2018

What Defines Us?



  To survive, we need some few fundamental things, what to eat, what to wear and what to protect ourselves with. But who wants just to survive? Who wants just to satisfy these needs and call it a life? Why life needs to be more complicated?

  We are not content with surviving anymore, we want more, we want company, we want human connexion, we want to be social, it became a must to our eyes, we fear loneliness like we fear our enemies, and we need people just how our bodies need to be fed. 

  Human connexion...what a twisted necessity. Humans interaction are simply conflicts that are painted with different color, that are assigned to with different terms: friendship, partnership, marriage, brotherhood... Each one is fighting for their own selves, even if it is only hidden underneath. We fight for our identity, we fight for what we need from this interactions, we fight for their care, their attention, their time. It is an infinite fight, that no harmony or chemistry could delete, no love or selflessness could make it disappear. It is what we are, it is what defines us as humans.
And there is nothing wrong with being in a constant fight, this conflict set an odd but pleasant and satisfying balance. 

  It is just crazy to think that we can't actually live alone, that loneliness will drive us insane while fathoming at the same time that we are born alone and we die alone. What does it have to be a plural between these two intervals: birth and death.
  It appears every year we add to our lives only makes us weaker, more vulnerable, fragile and more sad. Weaker because our thirst for human connexion gets more necessary and sad because it never gets quenched. Nothing satisfies us anymore, the expectations we nourish our thoughts with grow over us and over everything others could do for us. Nothing is enough anymore.
  But how can we demand that many requests from beings that are so afar from what we are. Who gives us the power to claim love, care and attention while we have done nothing to deserve it? 
Everyone wants to feel loved, needed, special in others eyes, or maybe just one pair of eyes. But if everyone wants it, who is left out there to make us feel this way? We can't give what we already lack, or can we? 
  It might seem that there is only a fine line between surviving and living, but these two concept are like black and white, north and south, land and sky...We can't be content with only surviving because living takes our breath away. And we like our breath to be taken away. It is such an irony to realize that the only things that are keeping us alive are the near fatal experiences, the challenges, the troubles. The only time we felt alive are the most dangerous situations we have been through, we feel life when our hearts skip a beat,  when we feel butterflies in our stomach and when we forget how to breath. Life is too tight to death even if it's its complete opposite.
  My mind went through many thoughts in the process of writing this article, and I find the messiest articles are the most worth reading ones. Because it is such a raw and authentic image to the writer's mind, it is an open door to explore a universe of ideas. And each idea is as interesting as the previous or next one. 

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