Hello Internet!
It took me 4 years to actually realize one of my many dreams: create a blog, it might seem simple and a no-brainer, but I lacked the courage to finally set up an account and start publishing, I needed that push to eventually expand my audience, I knew it was time to step out of my confort zone.
My passion is this, putting my thoughts into words, in the nicest way I can, and no one has the right to judge my little peices of art only because most of them start with a silly meaningless "Dear journal,".
It's not just a silly diary, it's a life journey, written and witnessed,
it's the person you have become, it's remembering every struggle you
faced and how you dealt with it. It's a warm embrace, it heals the soul
and it's a compagnion in times of loneliness.
Special thanks to the amazing human being who showed me this platform and helped me get it throught, I know he'll be reading this so shoutout to him!
On that note, I hope to reach you soon Internet!
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